- Ioanna SotiriouTEAM
- Academic ProjectTYPE
- Outer SpaceLOCATION
The project “Hypertopias” unfolds in the space of a Science Fiction scenario, pinning a future detection of a “gravitational glitch” by the LIGO facility in Livingston. The glitch, acting as the MacGuffin of the story, is an unidentified object, an element that occupies space and appears as a visual mistake in an architectural machine. In a quest to understand how to perceive such an object, the scientific community speeds up the design and launch of a next generation Interferometer, “The Needle”. The new Interferometer operates according to LIGO’s legacy yet freed from terrestrial restrictions (ex. ground vibrations and signal interferences). Expanding in all X,Y, Z axes, The Needle can now detect spacetime destortions 12 times more than her precursor.As part of the first, pre-thesis semester in Studio One, this project was an excercise on story-telling, visual narration and creating scenarios that bridge science with design. The overall objective was to create a story founded on compelling visuals that immerse the audience into the design proposal. For this purpose, I created a series of “artefacts” that depict how this glitch was perceived by the scientific community through a variety of media (interferometer, cameras, sonic radars), the actual Interferometer around which the story evolves and finally a book with seven stories, as narrated by seven different people (the LIGO director, a Hypertopes PhD candidate, a newscaster, one of The Needle’s mechanical engineer, a computer scientist and the Janitor of the LIGO station).